Racial Justice

In June 2020, the Session and staff of Light Street Presbyterian Church released the statement below, acknowledging the reality of systemic racism and our own complicity in systems of oppression and white supremacy. A report on the racial history of our church is included among the actions we resolved to complete. That completed report is available for download here.

A Statement on Racial Justice.

The Session and staff of Light Street Presbyterian Church are angry and grieved over the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and Rayshard Brooks. These horrible incidents are only the most recent and visible tragedies in a long and painful legacy of racism. Like so many other predominantly White institutions, we must confess our own complicity in systems of oppression and White supremacy. Even as we demand justice and an end to structural oppression, we understand that much of the work is about changing ourselves — our own hearts, heads, and institutions.

Light Street Church affirms the God-given value of every human life. For that reason, it is important and essential for us to say that Black lives matter. We believe that racism is real, sinful, and that it is our duty as people of faith to name and eradicate it in every aspect of our lives.

We also affirm that statements are empty unless backed by action. Here are some actions that we commit to take in 2020:

1. We will research and write a racial history of Light Street Presbyterian Church. As a congregation founded before the Civil War, what role has our institution played in the oppression or liberation of Black people? We will share this report on our church website.

2. We will commit to book studies and other forms of self-education about antiracism and White supremacy. We will engage in conversations about how to strengthen an antiracist culture within our congregation.

3. We will continue our community organizing work with BUILD (Baltimoreans United In Leadership Development) to build power and equity for disenfranchised and historically oppressed communities in Baltimore City. We will continue our ongoing listening campaign in South Baltimore to better understand the lived experiences of our neighbors.

4. It is our prayer that this historic moment of pain and protest will lead to real and lasting changes in our churches, cities, and country. We pray for God’s justice and we give thanks for the opportunity to be a part of that important work.

   —The Session &staff of Light Street Presbyterian Church

Light Street Church affirms the God-given value of every human life. For that reason, it is important and essential for us to say that Black lives matter. We believe that racism is real, sinful, and that it is our duty as people of faith to name and eradicate it in every aspect of our lives.

Making an Impact

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Creating a Bond

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What our members say

At Grace people come together in discovering Christ through prayer and good deeds. I have found my purpose in life and I’m eternally grateful for that.
Assistant to the Pastor
Grace creates a powerful and meaningful bond between members and the community in whole. The God's influence is visible in every action they do.
Ministries Leader
Grace creates a powerful and meaningful bond between members and the community in whole. The God's influence is visible in every action they do.
Ministries Leader
At Grace people come together in discovering Christ through prayer and good deeds. I have found my purpose in life and I’m eternally grateful for that.
Assistant to the Pastor
At Grace people come together in discovering Christ through prayer and good deeds. I have found my purpose in life and I’m eternally grateful for that.
Assistant to the Pastor
Grace creates a powerful and meaningful bond between members and the community in whole. The God's influence is visible in every action they do.
Ministries Leader

Our Mission is to upbring people with strong sense of something important …

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